Privacy Policy

TenX LLP:    Privacy Notice

Please read this privacy policy carefully. References in this Privacy Policy Statement to “we”, “us” and “TenX” are to TenX LLP.

At TenX we are committed to maintaining your privacy. By accessing our websites and submitting your information to us via our websites, you are indicating that you have read, acknowledge and agree to us processing your information as set out herein. If we make changes to this policy, we will notify you by updating this statement on our website.

What information do we collect and how do we use it?

We may ask for your name, telephone number, home address, business address, delivery address, email address, age and payment details and other personal information. We may obtain further information about your usage of our website to help us develop and improve it further through online surveys and other requests.

We use your information to respond to your enquiries, to fulfil your orders, to update and maintain our records, to notify you about important functionality changes and for statistical or survey purposes to improve this website and our services to you.

In assessing your request for goods or services, we may use your information for the purposes of the detection and prevention of fraud.

What information do we share with others?

We may contract with other companies to provide certain services, including without limitation credit card processing, order fulfilment, shipping, name and address verification, email distribution, market research and promotions management. We provide these companies with only the information they need to perform their services and work closely with them to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected. These companies are prohibited by contract from using this information for their own marketing purposes or from sharing this information with anyone other than TenX. We will not pass your information on to any other TenX Group companies or other third parties for marketing purposes unless you have agreed for us to do so.

One of the purposes for which we may disclose your address and postal code details is to check against the IMRG Security Alert or any other Fraud Prevention Scheme. We may also disclose specific information upon governmental request, in response to a court order, or when required by law to do so. We may also share information with companies assisting in fraud protection or investigation. We do not provide information to these agencies or companies for marketing or commercial purposes.


A Cookie is a small data file that is stored by your Web browser on your computer. We use Cookies to keep track of your current shopping session, to enable you to proceed to checkout at any time, to personalize your online experience and to compile aggregate statistical information about how visitors use our website. No individually identifiable information is collected for this purpose and we do not monitor individual visitor behaviour. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. However, if you set your browser not to accept Cookies, you may be unable to use all or some of this website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you access our website. Refer to the Help content of your browser for more information on selecting or deselecting Cookies.

Links to third-party sites

In an attempt to provide you with increased value, we may from time to time include third party links on our website. These linked sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We encourage you to review those policies when you visit those sites. This Privacy Policy Statement only covers our website and does not cover any other website. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.

Privacy of children on our website

Our website is not intended for use by children under the age of 14, and we will not knowingly collect any information from any person below the age of 14.

Sale of assets

In the unlikely event that TenX or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information will be one of the transferred assets.